Behind every great brand is a great mind - or two! Meet Anna and Alex Moss, the Manchester couple who are responsible for the launch and growth of FireCask Ltd. From the early days starting out as a duo, to now, with a full team of creatives all working with a variety of national and global brands - it’s been quite a ride.

But rather than giving you reams of history, we’ve put together a snappy little Q&A with our beloved directors.

We told them to be honest. Hold onto your hats!

Summarise what’s needed for business success...

Anna: “People - a great team. Keep adapting, changing and learning. Drive - it can get really hard running your own business and if you don't have the drive and want to push it forward then it can fail.”

Alex: “Learning when to say no.”

What is the biggest life lesson you've learned?

Anna: “To use my instincts and not to automatically trust everyone. A valuable lesson.”

Alex: “I'd say more on this that one should always take others with a pinch of salt, especially when it comes to business. Remember to look after yourself, as generally, the other person will put themselves before you.”

Greatest quote of all time?

Anna: “I'd much rather eat pasta and drink wine than be a size 0.” We have a villa in Italy which we take the FireCask team to once a year, so I think we’d all agree on this one.

Alex: “Honesty is an expensive gift. Do not expect it from cheap people.” - Warren Buffett

“Be nice to nerds. Chances are you’ll end up working for one.” Bill Gates


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One thing you couldn't live without?

Anna: “Henry, my dog. He is like my little therapist, he keeps me calm and just wants love all the time.”

Alex: “Time to myself. This helps me reset, think more logically, and digitally disconnect.”

Most annoying quirk?

Anna: “Making lists...constantly! I am such a control freak.”

Alex: “I pace around the room a lot when I'm on the phone. I can do hundreds of laps around my desk during a conversation.”

What websites do you visit most often?

Anna: “Google Drive, Facebook for the B+L page, and Linkedin.”

Alex: “I live in Gmail and Google Drive, using a couple of Chrome Extensions including Streak and Clearbit. Other sites I visit nearly-daily are Linkedin, Teamwork and Trello but I also use apps including Slack, Evernote and Skitch.

What takes up too much of your time?

Anna: “ADMIN.”

Alex: “Working in the business, not on the business.”

What matters more in business, strategy or risk-taking?

Anna: “I think both are equally important. I don't think I would be where I am today without taking risks but they were almost strategic risks so they were thought out - the risk was just going for it.”

Alex: “There needs to be a balance, but you cannot rely solely on one. It’s interesting as Warren Buffett says “Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing” so it’s odd that strategy comes hand in hand with risk. Strategy needs to involve risk, otherwise, it will be unlikely to prosper.”

How do you spend the average Saturday?

Anna: “Wake up and answer emails in bed with the dog, go for a minimum of a one hour walk with the dog and then either go out with friends locally/neighbours come over for drinks and nibbles or sit on the couch and binge-watch tv. The evening usually involves food, wine with Alex or with a bunch of friends at ours.”

Alex: “All the admins - work admin (email catchup), house admin (cleaning, sorting the garden out), mind admin (going for an offline walk), and body admin (gym/soak), social admin (go to the bar, or have friends over).”

What did you want to be when you were younger?

Anna: “A farmer but then I grew up and realised I don't really like nature!”

Alex: “A policeman. I would have been terrible.”

Want to meet the rest of the team? You can laugh at their photos here.